Advanced Auto Conversions stand out in the myriad of van conversion businesses in that they offer camper van conversions to any type of van, not just VW, the capabilities to do this come from a formal coach building background and long term industry experience.

The owner is a super friendly Yorkshireman who loves what he does and has been doing this for more than 20 years, He converted my van which is how we met and started talking business. His website had recently gone offline and was not being sufficiently supported by the original designer and host, so he was considering managing with Facebook alone. I advised against this to maintain his options away from FB, and not forgetting that Facebook only accounts for a maximum of 25% of the UK population in the 25-34 year old’s, not his main target group. We agreed to talk further, and I returned with an outline design idea which was positively received, game on!
From the start I was inspired by Mick’s passion for his business and what he delivers for his customer, What we both agreed was that his customers are often looking for more than a van modification but actually a lifestyle, a different view on the on the world from their van. So Open your van to the world became the new slogan.
The website is designed to inspire potential customers of the possibilities offered through a clean website with detail of the types of conversions and a portfolio page with of different conversion projects. Often VW’s are the dominant vehicle for conversion, so we took care to make it clear that Any Van Any Conversion was possible not to exclude a large potential of the van market. The existing Logo used by Advanced Auto Conversions was not particularly a problem, but we believed a more automotive feel would enhance the website image, although initially logo doubts existed the customer is delighted with the web site and the logo design.
Within days of the first draft of the website going live the first web related enquiry arrived, apparently the first he had ever received from his web site, this is even before the site has gone through full SEO search engine optimisation.

SEO, SEM and Content Marketing
Further activities are planed with AAC to optimise SEO, and potentially SEM. The marketing possibilities are endless but will initially focus on modest content marketing activities in the form of a monthly newsletter to promote his business via the website and other social media. AAC are very active with Facebook, using his excellent vehicle images on this and other social platforms is hugely positive, using this and other methods to drive them via the website and subsequently web forms make our activities measurable.
business growth services
Working with such a talented client is a real pleasure, helping AAC maintain and grow a reliable order book against potential market reduction is infinitely easier with a slick website and a well organised marketing strategy.